F.A.Q.s, Support, Discord

Truck won't connect to your trailer?

"I bought the content for someone else. Can I transfer my purchase to another account?"

You can transfer ownership of assets once by navigating to ‘Purchased assets’ on keymaster. From there you can select the ‘Transfer to another account’ option and enter the CFX account name of the person you want to transfer the content to. Transfers are permanent. 

You are responsible for any transfers you make. You will not be reimbursed for transferring your purchase to another account for any reason.

Common Errors

Error parsing script / Failed to load script

Your server artifacts are likely outdated. Update your server to version 5181 or above.

You lack the required entitlement to use <resource>

Restart your server and make sure your server license key is correct and active. If you bought the resource on the wrong account, you can transfer it to another account on keymaster.
You may also need to regenerate your server key in keymaster and reapply it to your server.cfg. This will not affect any other resources you have that use this system.

Failed to verify protected resource

Files were possibly corrupted during transfer. Ensure hidden files are copied; the .fxap file in a protected resource must be included. Some FTP programs skip these files.

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